
In the year 2001 we commemorated the 50 th anniversary of the establishment of the Central and Testing Institute in agriculture in Bratislava, Slovakia (ÚKSÚP).
As a milestone in the history of the Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSÚP) may be considered January 1, 1951, when the Czechoslovak Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKZÚZ), based in Prague, with its branch offices in Žatec, Brno, Bratislava and Košice was established in application of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture No 95/1951 U.I. and No. 107/1951 U.v. The Institute was created as a result of rearrangements covering National Agricultural Research Institutes (ŠVÚP), whereby supervisory and testing activities thereof were brought under the authority of the Czechoslovak Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKZÚZ). In addition to the creation of the Czechoslovak Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKZÚZ), these rearrangements with respect to National Agricultural Research Institutes (ŠVÚP) provided an impetus for the establishment of autonomous research institutes in the sphere of agriculture.
The Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSÚP) operating on the territory of Slovakia went repeatedly through structural rearrangements , reflecting themselves in regional activities, functional and organizational relationships and titles assigned to the Institute. November 1, 1957 marks the establishment by virtue of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No.201 of the Slovak Agricultural Supervisory and Testing Instritute (SLOKSÚP) based in Bratislava, with Slovakia-wide authority. . The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture No 22880/460-001 of June 27, 1960, however, reincorporated the Slovak Agricultural Supervisory and Testing Institute (SLOKSÚP) as a regional branch office into the Czechoslovak Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKZÚZ) based in Prague, having its own direct organizational units likewise in Zvolen and Košice.
Following the reorganization of Czechoslovakia on federal basis in 1968, and in application of the Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Food, based in Prague, of December 17, 1968 No II/4-1178/68/23 and after the relocation of the organizational units of the Czechoslovak Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKZÚZ) based in Prague, the present-day Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture with Slovakia-wide authority , having its branch offices in Zvolen and Košice and from April 15, 1972 onward with another branch office in Bratislava, was created as to January 1, 1969. The last one was dissolved in 1992 as part of structural rearrangements.
When looking back at the development of the professional national agricultural supervision and testing in Slovakia, one may not omit certain history-making data.
In 1884, the seed-breeding station of the Royal Hungarian Seed Control Institute in Budapest and Košice was established , which in 1920 was incorporated into the framework of the National Agricultural Research Institutes, bearing the name of Seed Control Institute.
Within the framework of the National Agricultural Institutes (ŠVÚP), the Institute of Agropedology and Bioclimatology was established in April 1921 in Bratislava and in February 1922 in Košice.
Compulsory variety testing was launched on March 17, 1921, whereby until 1951, these activities were carried out by the Seed Control Institute covered by the National Agricultural Research Institutes (ŠVÚP).
The Institute of Phyto pathology was established on May 1, 1921 in Bratislava and the organizational unit thereof in Košice on November 1,1922. The Institute of Zootechny was established on January 1, 1925 and the Institute of Dairying in 1928.
From the historical point of view , the above stated institutes covered by the National Agricultural Research Institutes (ŠVÚP) were precursors of the sections and departments of the Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSÚP), where, following certain reductions in activities, supervision and testing was concentrated into a single supervisory institution in 1951. The directors of the Central Control and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSÚP) succeeded each other as follows:
1951– 1958 Mr. Jozef Jakubík
1958– 1980 Mr. Martin Lietava
1981– 1988 Mr. Ambróz Marko
1988– 1990 Mr. Damián Macák
1990– 1991 Mr. Elemír Foltín
1991– 1995 Mr. František Kotvas
1995– 2003 Mr. Pavel Filkorn
2003– 2007 Mrs. Anna Vitáriusová
2007– 2010 Mr. Pavel Filkorn
2010– 2012 Mrs. Anna Vitáriusová
2012– 2014 Mr. Juraj Moško
2014– 2016 Mr. Bohumil Krajmer
2016 - 2020 Mr. Peter Rusňák
2020 - 2021 Mrs. Jana Vargová
2021 - Mr. Ján Berceli