Identificaton Data
Name of the organization: Ústredný kontrolný a skúšobný ústav poľnohospodársky v Bratislave (ÚKSÚP)
Legal form: Rozpočtová organizácia
Founding body: Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva SR
Address: Matúškova 21, 833 16 Bratislava
IČO: 00 156 582
DIČ: 202 102 3026
Date of establishment of the organization: 01.01.1969
Form of establishment: Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition in Prague No. II/4-1178/68/23 dated 17.12.1968 as amended by the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic No. 358/2/1995-250 dated 12.0.995, No. 7745/80/1996-250 dated 23.08.1996, No. 3070/1997-100 date 01.12.1997, No. 5791/2003-250 dated 02.06.2003, No. 3917/2005-250 dated 29.04.2005 and No. 1246/2007-250 dated 07.02.2007 and as amended by the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Slovak Republic No. 3072/2011-250 dated 20.07.2011, No. 1964/2013-250 dated 16.04.2013, No. 2228/2014-250 dated 06.03.2014, No. 738/2017-250 dated 19.1.2017 and No. 2450/2017-250 dated 27.06.2017.
Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Slovakia No. 2097/201-250 dated 19.05.2017 decided to change the integration of the organizational unit Technický a skúšobný ústav pôdohospodársky with the place of business Majerská 47, 900 41 Rovinka from the organizational structure of the state-subsidized organization Národné pôdohospodárske a potravinárske centrum with its registered office at Hlohovecká 2, 951 41 Lužianky and integrated it to the organizational structure of the budgetary organization Ústredný kontrolný a skúšobný ústav poľnohospodársky v Bratislave.