Publikácie OMB NRL
FEKETOVÁ, M. – HORVÁTH, Ľ. 2002. Molekulárna detekcia GMO v odrodách, osivách, merkantile, krmivách a potravinách. Zborník z 9. odborného seminára Nové poznatky z genetiky a šľachtenia. VÚRV Piešťany, 2002, s.100-101.
FEKETOVA, M. – HORVATH, L. 2004. Molecular detection and identification of bacterial diseases in seed potatoes. Proceedings of the 27th ISTA Symposium, Budapest, 2004.
FEKETOVA, M. – HUDECOVA, M. – HORVATH, L. 2007. Technologies and areas of quality and safety control of plant commodities, feedingstuffs and bioproducts. Proceedings of the 14-th International symposium on New knowledges in genetics and plant breeding. VURV, Piestany, 13-14 November 2007.
FEKETOVA, M. 2009. Proposals for best practices, SK. Documents TWG Maize, ECoB EC, IPTS Sevilla, May 2009.
HORECKÁ, T., HORVÁTH, Ľ., a kol. 2008. Kontrola používania geneticky modifikovaných organizmov. VEDA, Bratislava, 2008.
HORVATH, L. 1995. Application of statistical analysis to small samples in connection with electrophoretic tests. Document TWC /13/15 UPOV, Geneva, 1995.
HORVÁTH, Ľ. – KÚDELA, O. 2001. Screening of the presence of genetically modified soya in foods, feeds and seeds. Testing in Agriculture & Plant Protection, 2001, (IX), 9, p. 43-45.
HORVATH, L. 2001. Detection of GMOs in seeds, feeds and foodstuffs. Proceedings of International Symposium on Genetically Modified Crops and Co-Products as Feeds for Livestock. VUZV, Nitra, 2001.
HORVÁTH, L. 2001. Popis a rozlíšenie odrôd geneticky modifikovaných rastlín. Zborník zo VII. vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou. BIOS Nitra 2001, SPU Nitra, 2001, s.13-14.
HORVÁTH, Ľ. – FEKETOVÁ, M. 2002. Molekulárna detekcia GMO a DNA nerastlinného pôvodu v rastlinnom materiáli. Zborník z 9. odborného seminára Nové poznatky z genetiky a šľachtenia. VÚRV Piešťany, 2002, s.24-27.
HORVÁTH, Ľ. – FEKETOVÁ, M. 2004. Standardization of DNA-based techniques for detection of GMOs in official testing. Proceedings of the 27th ISTA Symposium. Budapest, 2004.
HORVÁTH, Ľ. – FEKETOVÁ, M. 2004. Kvalitatívna a kvantitatívna detekcia GMO v rastlinných komoditách v SR. Zborník z 11. odborného seminára Nové poznatky z genetiky a šľachtenia. VÚRV Piešťany, 2004.
HORVATH, L. 2005. The use of DNA-based techniques for GMOs detection in official testing. Proceedings of the XIII Annual Molecular Biology Seminar. Eurofins, Paris, 2005.
HORVATH, L. – FEKETOVA, M. 2005. The use of genetic modification in plant protection and moderm methods for detection of transgenic and pathogen organisms. Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Slovak Plant-Medicine Society, Nitra 2005
HORVATH, L. – FEKETOVA, M. – HUDECOVA, M. 2007. Validation of molecular methods for testing of genetically modified organisms. Proceedings of the 14-th International symposium on New knowledges in genetics and plant breeding. VURV Piestany, 13-14 November 2007.
HORVATH, L. 2007. National plant profile Slovakia. Proceedings of the 2nd Crop and Food Biosecurity Regional Workshop EC, Szentendre, HU, 2007.
HORVATH, L. – HUDECOVA, Z. – FEKETOVA, M. 2007. Control of Coexistence between GM and non-GM Agricultural Crops in Slovakia. Book of Abstracts. 3rd International Conference on Coexistence GM and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains. 20-22 November 2007, Sevilla (Spain), p.351-352.
HORVATH, L. – FEKETOVA, M. 2008. Measurement of the Mean Level of GM Maize Contamination in non-GM Fields in Term of Coexistence between GM and non-GM crops. Book of Abstracts. 1st Global Conference on GMO Analysis, 24-27 June 2008, Como, Italy, p.115.
HORVATH, L., et al. 2008. The use and validation of real-time PCR and microarray methods for plant pathogens diagnostics. 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Torino, Italy, 2008.
HORVATH, L. 2009. Measurement units for testing of genetically modified seed admixtures. An practical approuch. Working Group Meeting on Mesurement Unit, JRC EC Ispra, Italy, 8-9 June 2009.
HORVATH, L. – FEKETOVA, M. 2009. Coexistence between GM Maize and Conventional Maize Cultivation in Slovakia. Book of Abstracts. 4th International Conference on Coexistence GM and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains. 10-12 November 2009, Melbourne (Australia).
IOOS, R., et al. 2008. European collaborative studies for the validation of PCR-based detection tests targeting regulated fungi and oomycetes. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 38, 198–204.
KÚDELA, O. – HORVÁTH, Ľ. et al. 1999. Detection of transgenes in GM plants, feedstuffs and foods. Testing in Agriculture & Plant Protection, 1999, (VII), 7, p. 3-4.
HORVATH, L. 2009. Štandardizované postupy vzorkovania rastlinných komodít a krmív pre kontrolu GMO. Zborník seminára "Nové STN, STN ISO a STN EN ISO v praxi", LABOR Bratislava, 2009.
HORVATH, L. – FEKETOVA, M. 2009. Effectiveness of isolation distances for cultivation of genetically modified maize in Slovakia. Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie "Nové poznatky z genetiky a šľachtenia", 21.-22. október 2009, VURV Piešťany.
HORVATH, L. – FEKETOVA, M. – HUDECOVA, Z. 2009. Validation of DNA microarray method as the alternative method for testing of genetically modified organisms. Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie "Aktuálne otázky stanovenia špecifickej DNA ako analytického cieľa", 15.október 2009, VÚP Bratislava.
HORVATH, L. – HUDECOVA, Z. 2009. Systém rýchlej diagnostiky karanténnych rastlinných patogénov v podmienkach klimatických zmien a mimoriadnych foriem šírenia. Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie "Tretie rastlinolekárske dni Slovenskej rastlinolekárskej spoločnosti", 18.-19. november 2009, Nitra.
FEKETOVA, M., et al. 2010. The Best Practice Document for Coexistence of Genetically Modified Crops with Conventional and Organic Farming, JRC IPTS, ECoB, TWG-Maize, Seville, Spain, 2010.
FEKETOVA, M. 2010. From the receipt of GMO sample to the results of GMO analysis, NRL CCTIA in Bratislava, Slovakia, JRC IPTS, ECoB, TWG-Maize, Seville, Spain, 2010.
HORVATH, L. 2010. Evaluation of the efficiency of GMOs co-existence obtained within a four years of testing in the Slovakia, JRC IPTS, ECoB, TWG-Maize, Seville, Spain, 2010.
HORVATH, L. – WEISMANOVA, E. – WEISMANN, P. 2011. Comparison of real-time PCR and microarray analysis of gene expression in breast cancer and leukemia. Book of Abstracts. The 2nd Drug Resistance in Cancer, Smolenice, Slovakia, May 29th-June 1st, 2011.
WEISMANOVA, E. – HORVATH, L. – PALAY, J., et. al. 2011. The expression of ABCB1, ABCC1 and ABCG2 in primary breast cancer, lymph nodes and metastases. Book of Abstracts. The 2nd Drug Resistance in Cancer, Smolenice, Slovakia, May 29th-June 1st, 2011.